
Adrathan Calendar

The Day, Week, and Month

The calendar is divided into weeks. Each week is ten days:
1 Fieldsday (Fi)
2 Fensday (Fe)
3 Trailsday (Tr)
4 Stonesday (St)
5 Peaksday (Pk)
6 Spellsday (Sp)
7 Swordsday (Sw)
8 Gravesday (Gr)
9 Spiritsday (Si)
10 Setsday (Se)

A month is divided into three weeks. Each week has a different suffix:
1-10: -rise
11-20: -turn
21-30: -set

Eleven months complete a year:
Sun (Start of Spring)
Storm (Start of Summer)
Flame (Start of Autumn)
Earth (Start of Winter)

After the final day of Earthset, the year begins anew with Godsday, a day that isn’t in any month. The accurate count of days on Adratha is about 331.2, so every five years, there’s a second Godsday after the first. This practice originated relatively recently (1004 AC) following new observations of the Endless Realm of Sky and advances in time-keeping.

For example, the 15th day of Seed would be referred to as Peaksday of Seedturn. When written, most people indicate the numeric day of the month as well, especially if using the shorthand for a day. It might be written as 15 Pk Seedturn, or 15 Seed if space is a concern.

Godsdays are referred to separately, either as Godsday if there is only one of them in the year or First Godsday and Second Godsday if there are two of them.

The Year

There are two competing standards of measuring the year:

AC, After Calamity. This system measures from the beginning of known history after the Calamity, with the year of the Calamity being listed as 0 AC. The system is based on an ancient text called A History of the Calamity, written in Thrasis in 312 AC. After recent expeditions by Reclaimer teams, it’s unclear if the year known as 0 AC was the actual year the calamity occurred, or simply a guess made by the author of the History. However, so much time has passed that it would be impossible to change the date now. It’s currently 1046 AC.

ISY, or Imperial Standard Year. This standard originates from Nunral, and is based on the foundation date of the Empire. 0 ISY is 951 AC. Years before the empire’s formation are described with negative numbers (ex. -300 ISY). Within the empire, use of this standard is strictly enforced. Proponents of the format argue that while 0 AC is a mere estimation, 0 ISY is a matter of historical record.

Older documents that refer to years in AC are altered by Nunralan empire censors to use ISY instead. Copies of historical documents that don’t reflect the Nunralan belief that they descend from the Forgotten Empire are destroyed.

Other calendar systems exist, but AC is considered the current standard.
