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The Eldspires

Seabound Republics

Ancient towers that extend up from the Great Sea and were once the last refuges of the Forgotten Empire. Nations remain within, with knowledge of how to maintain the Empire’s technologies but no means of reproducing them.

Imports: Food, fresh water, ore, reagents, lumber

Exports: Metal goods, machines, salt, luxury goods

The Five Towers

Each of the five towers (Unn, Del, Tros, Qat, and Cean) have a uniform design made of several large layers. On the bottom layer is a Great Stair that leads to the base of the tower, where magical energy is concentrated. In the original documents, an Arkeomic Crucible would have been constructed at the bottom of each tower, but this was quickly abandoned. Leyline energy still coalesces at the foot of each tower and wraps around the massive structures to protect them from damage and potential collapse.

At sea level, a harbor layer provides access for ships. Drydocks and warehouses take up most of this layer. Above it is a large residential layer where the majority of tower inhabitants live. Above that, a so-called “natural layer” is artificially lit from within and contains forests and farms within the colossal structure.

Next is the artisan’s layer, which has some residences, but also several foundries and crafting halls for people to work in. Finally, the top layer has housing for the leadership of the tower as well as places for artisans and leaders to learn various trades, including magic.

Governance and Society

The Eldspires have a strict hierarchy of elected officials and appointed individuals that form the backbone of their government. Each floor is governed by a Strati, who appoints individuals under them. Stratii are subordinate to an Administrator who oversees the entire Spire. Administrators of different spires are not obligated to work together in any capacity save for one: the Eld Fleet, a military and trade fleet of ships that is jointly commanded by the spires.

Eldspire government generally follows rules set out in the UTO, or Updated Tower Outline. This large document outlines how the towers can be maintained and run to ensure that they remain functional for long periods of time. In the Fractured Age, the original Tower Outline was filled with notes and addenda to ensure future administrators could actually carry out the Outline without the vast stores of magic that the Forgotten Empire had access to.

Strati and Administrators disagree on how the Outline should be carried out. Textualists argue that the outline should be followed to the letter and remain unchanged, while Revisionists argue that the Outline is a living document and should be altered and updated to fit the times. Strict Textualists are largely irrelevant to modern politics, but their belief is that the original, non-updated Outline should be followed, and that advances in Arkeograms should be used to supply the magic required to do so.

Spire government is generally slow to react and slow to change. Despite this, it is the oldest surviving government since the Calamity. The historical records of the Eldspire are some of the only documents remaining in Adratha that detail the events of the Calamity and the Fractured Age.

Common Backgrounds

Most who live in the Spires don’t stray far from them, so becoming an adventurer is a significant choice. You might have a background like Artisan, Artist, Cook, or Merchant if you left for personal reasons or to see more of the world. A former member of the Eld Fleet might have the Cannoneer, Field Medic, Sailor, or Spotter backgrounds.

If you’re a representative of the Spires, you might be an Emissary or Magical Merchant. Alternatively, you could have joined the Reclaimers or the Chimera as a way of securing funds to leave your home.

Unique Background

Line-Bound [Rare]

You were born near the leyline confluence at the bottom of an Eldspire, and this has granted you unique insights into the leyline network. You’ve been able to see the lines since you were born. While this power is not unheard of in the Eldspires, the Line-bound are seen as potential leaders and luminaries to guide the people of the Spires.

Whether or not this is a blessing or a curse is up to you. You might be adventuring to tap into this potential you have, or perhaps the stress of your homeland’s expectations has made traveling the world as an adventurer more appealing than staying in the towers.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Intelligence or Charisma, and the other is a free ability boost. You gain the Arcana skill, and the Leyline Lore skill. You gain the Ley Sight skill feat.

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