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The Collective of Galra

Liberated Commune

Formerly the Kingdom of Galra, they overthrew their king and established a collective society after ousting the noble class.

Imports: Firearms, machines, metal goods

Exports: Luxury goods, textiles, ore, lumber, salt, reagents

Prominent Cities

  • Lacmont, a fortress city that was the former capital of Galra. Partially razed during the war, it’s now a mining town more than anything else.
  • Melille, the coastal capital of the Collective. This city was the one least affected by the rebellion, and it's famous for its skilled glassmakers and boneworkers.
  • Varaneux, a distant coastal city and hub of sea trade. Merchants who make trips to the giantish lands often stop at Varaneux to trade and resupply before heading to Thrasis.

Governance and Society

The Collective is an anomaly in Adrathan political systems. Its founders deliberately placed power in a wide variety of leaders who can work together as the need arises. Leaders are most often experts in particular industries or those with particular talents, and must act in concert with other leaders in order to get anything done. This system, though inefficient when compared to a hierarchy, has produced a reasonable standard of living for the Galrans.

All Leaders are elected in a general election, and a general distrust in those who display excessive wealth has so far allowed Galra to avoid recreating the nobility. It’s unclear how long this unsteady equilibrium will last. In 1019 AC, a Lavender Guard investigator found that one of the Defense leaders had stolen part of Adyr the Iron-Fisted’s treasury for his own personal use. Some Galrans rightfully fear that other corrupt officials in positions of power will enforce a new system of nobility on the Galran people by controlling access to voting rights, money, and information.

Despite its recent revolution and these fears of future instability, for now, Galra’s unrest is all but gone. Many in the nation can still remember the bloody war against Adyr the Iron-Fisted, and the unity forged in that conflict has kept them from splintering into too many factions.

Common Backgrounds

For those at Galra’s outskirts, the Outrider, Nomad, Scavenger, and Spotter backgrounds work well. Farmhand, Herbalist, Hunter, and Laborer all fit the grasslands of Galra. In the cities, Artisan, Artist, Emissary, and Teacher might make sense, or a more official background if you were associated with the government in some way. Many adventurers keep the Galran ideals of freedom and unity close to their hearts and join the Lavender Guard.

Unique Background

Galran Adventurer-Envoy [Uncommon]

You’re one of the Galrans selected by the Collective to travel the world and sow the seeds of rebellion against monarchs and tyrants everywhere. The adventuring life is one that lends itself to fame and fortune (provided you survive), and this fame and fortune will be your sword, giving you the resources and influence to overthrow governments like the cruel Nunralan Empire.

Adventurer-Envoys are not always successful. Some perish as martyrs to the cause, while others become too accustomed to wealth and fame and abandon their mission. Your fate remains to be seen.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Wisdom or Charisma, and the other is a free ability boost. You’re trained in Diplomacy, Survival, and Galra Lore.

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