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The Free City of Gloranith

Technocratic Traders

Headed by a Council of Artificers, Gloranith is the seat of Arkeomics research and locus for technological advancement that spreads throughout Adratha.

Imports: Food, textiles, luxury goods, ore, lumber, reagents

Exports: Machines, airships, firearms, luxury goods, metal goods

Prominent Cities

  • Gloranith has no cities under its control save for itself.

Governance and Society

Gloranith finds itself in the center of a changing world. Its leadership, the Council of Artificers, meets daily to discuss matters of state. There are currently fifteen council members (increased from the initial group of ten) that debate and vote on new laws for the city. Beneath them, the administrators of the City Works Division enforce and enact policies. When a Council member has served their 10 year term, the Council appoints a new member or reinstates the previous member if no new member wins the vote. This process has led to some nepotism in the higher levels of government.

Gloranith’s wealthy are not nobility in title, but they act the same as nobility given the power that they wield over the average citizen. The wealthiest Gloranites are business owners and landlords who control the working hours and wages of those beneath them. In response, many industries have unionized, including the artificers. The concept of a worker’s union is still relatively new to Adratha, but the Council has generally supported their existence as a means of both protecting the citizens of Gloranith and ensuring that the upper class remains in check.

Gloranith makes most of its income in trade with its nearby neighbors, though independent ships also travel further abroad to buy and sell goods. The city has closed its borders to Nunralan trade after uncovering a ring of Imperial spies connected to several key industries. Some less scrupulous companies, especially those owned by the Chimera, still smuggle goods from Gloranith into the empire. The Nunralan imperial elite pay handsomely for luxury goods from nations they can’t trade with.

While conflict between the unions and business owners has brought some tension to the streets of Gloranith, overall, unrest remains relatively low. As long as trade continues to bring wealth to the city, another revolution seems unlikely.

Common Backgrounds

While any city-oriented background can easily fit Gloranith, the Artisan, Detective, Gunsmith, Mechanic, and Tinker backgrounds all fit the city’s industrial theme. For those tied to the Academy of Artifice, the Clockwork Researcher, Scholar, and Academy Droupout backgrounds fit well. If you want to be part of a faction, the Gloranith Free Agent background is a natural fit for a native of the city.

Unique Background

Former Union Organizer [Uncommon]

You were a staunch advocate for worker’s rights, part of a larger movement spreading across Gloranith. Your persuasive skills and unflinching determination helped those you care about get the pay and conditions they deserve. You might have turned to adventure as a means of funding this political effort, or perhaps your agitation angered the wrong people and has left you on the run.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Constitution or Charisma, and the other is a free ability boost. You’re trained in the Diplomacy skill. You’re also trained in either Legal Lore or Gloranith Lore. You gain the Additional Lore skill feat in whichever lore you chose.

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