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The Hargrall Steppes

Disorganized towns and cities

The towns and villages on the grassy steppes south of Galra, recovering from a war against a white dragon.

Imports: Metal goods, firearms, machines, lumber

Exports: Food, luxury goods, textiles, reagents

Prominent Cities

  • WIP
  • WIP
  • WIP

Governance and Society


Common Backgrounds


Unique Background

Wyrm War Veteran [Uncommon]

You’re a veteran of the Wyrm War, the battle where the ancient white dragon Harusixissni and her soldiers attempted to conquer the Hargrall Steppes. The people of the Steppes are still recovering from this devastating conflict, and veterans of the war are often called upon to defend villages and towns from further draconic threats. You’re no stranger to violence, and adventuring feels like a natural progression after your time in the war.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Strength or Constitution, and the other is a free ability boost. You gain the Athletics skill. You also gain your choice of either the White Dragon Lore skill or the Hargrall Lore skill. You gain the Diehard general feat.

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