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Free City of Ishtan

Disorganized Oligarchy

A city of pirates and thieves, free to all who would live there, and ruled over by a group of conspiratorial Pirate Lords.

Imports: Luxury goods, metal goods, machines, food, textiles

Exports: Salt, firearms, lumber, reagents

Prominent Cities

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Governance and Society


Common Backgrounds


Unique Background

Sky Pirate [Uncommon]

Unlike those fools restricted to the sea or land, you were part of an airship crew. You and your mates searched the skies for potential targets, swooping down onto ships and caravans below or seeking out rich rewards from plundering other airships. The life of a sky pirate is often dangerous, making you well-prepared for adventuring. Whether it’s flying through a storm to escape from Nunralan patrols or swooping down to plunder a Thrasian caravel, you’re ready for anything.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Dexterity or Constitution, and the other is a free ability boost. You gain the Acrobatics skill, and the Airship Lore skill. You also gain the Cat Fall skill feat.

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