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The Kingdom of Old Thrasis

Xenophobic Monarchy

The eastern Kingdom of Thrasis, ruled by the original line of House Thrass. A conservative nation that holds deep faith and is threatened by demons and the scars of old wars.

Imports: Firearms, machines, luxury goods, textiles

Exports: Metal goods, food, lumber, ore, reagents

Prominent Cities

  • Adranholt, the ancient capital of the Holy Kingdom. Adranholt is named for the Adran Kingdom, a nation that collapsed soon after the Fractured Age ended.
  • Torzumer, a lakeside town that became a military hub after being captured back and forth during the succession war. Even now, most of its industry is in weapons and armor.
  • Vergesstadt, a northern town. It's the key source of the Holy Kingdom’s agricultural exports, and it is thus heavily defended. While the town was hit hard in the war with Nunral, it remains a hub for trade.

Governance and Society

Old Thrasis, also known as the Holy Kingdom of Thrasis, is one of the longest-established monarchies on Adratha. Thrasis has a monarch from the line of House Thrass, the family that united the kingdom in the Healing Years. A house of nobles creates laws that the king oversees and decides on. Beneath those lords is a veritable army of administrators, clerks, and bureaucrats that enact the will of the nobility.

While this system offers little in the form of upward mobility, and views the merchant class as “lesser,” it has more or less allowed Old Thrasis to survive for centuries. This system has been put to the test several times in recent years, especially after the secession of the High Wizards and the war that created New Thrasis. While officials in Old Thrasis wanted to maintain an armistice with New Thrasis rather than signing a peace treaty, their hands were forced by the invasion of Nunral. The more paranoid members of Thrasian nobility theorize that Nunral’s invasion was encouraged by New Thrasis’s leadership.

The current ruler of Old Thrasis is King Janis Thrass. Janis had no claim to the throne until the beginning of the war of succession, during which a summoned demon tore his father and his elder brother apart. The house of nobles mistrusts their young king, who has had to learn the harsh reality of rule more quickly than most. To the common folk, King Janis is no better than the rest of the Thrass line–he still taxes them harshly and uses conscription to fill the army’s vanguard.

Unrest is on the rise in Old Thrasis. On the one hand, the peasantry have seen and heard of the advances made in New Thrasis, the Collective of Galra, and Gloranith, and want to bring those changes about in their homeland. On the other, demonic invasions are becoming more and more common, and causing panic and fear to spread with them. The aftermath of two wars have devastated the old kingdom, and it struggles to rebuild and rebuke the demonic incursions that have plagued it ever since the old king’s death. Time will tell if it survives this harrowing trial.

Common Backgrounds

Adventurers from Old Thrasis tend to have martial or arcane training. Scholar and Martial Disciple are both common backgrounds, or perhaps Guard, Emissary, Mercenary, or Warrior if you were hired by the state in an official capacity. If you were part of the Thrasian nobility, Magical Merchant or Noble might also make sense.

Unique Background

Thrasian Knight [Uncommon]

As a knight of Thrasis, you are a brilliant light to be wielded against darkness of any form. You’re especially adept at slaying demons and their thralls, and have studied their strengths and weaknesses. You might be part of a knightly order, or you may have been cast out or presumed dead and thus be a wandering knight at the moment.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Strength or Intelligence, and the other is a free ability boost. You’re trained in the Religion skill, and the Demon Lore skill. You have the Assurance skill feat in Demon Lore.

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