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The Republic of Tresta

Conservative Representative Republic

An established merchant republic that occupies a large stretch of land in the southern part of Adratha.

Imports: Ore, luxury goods, machines, reagents, firearms

Exports: Textiles, luxury goods, metal goods, food, lumber

Prominent Cities

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Governance and Society

Standing strong for 700 years, Tresta is a representative republic headed by a house of Electives. Electives are sent to the nation’s capital from each city and town larger that has had over 500 people in residence for at least 4 years, out to a certain size. These cities are otherwise allowed to govern themselves, so long as their laws don’t contradict those of the Electives.

Larger cities have multiple Electives: one for every 1,000 people in residence. They generally have more influence over matters of state as a result, earning the resentment of more distant holdings. However, despite the grumblings of those far from the republic’s center, the nation has remained more or less stable thanks to its distance from most geopolitical conflict and its robust system of administration.

Bureaucracy rules the cities of Tresta. Clerks and bankers ensure that citizens are tracked and that their requests reach the ears of the Electives. Armies of bookkeepers ensure each government contract is paid on a regular schedule. Mail-runners and guarded wagons ferry packages and correspondence between the cities, with magic like Sending or even teleportation used when time is of the essence.

Tresta is a generally conservative country when it comes to lawmaking and diplomacy. The nation has a large military fleet and a standing army, though neither see much combat outside of monster attacks, pirate raids, or reports of banditry. It remains to be seen if the aftershocks of the Age of Upheaval will destabilize Tresta as well.

As for their magical and technological efforts, Tresta is somewhat behind when compared to New Thrasis and Gloranith, but they do have some Arkeograms and colleges dedicated to arcane study. Most of its colleges are devoted to more traditional subjects: fine arts, finance, rhetoric, music, and writing are the most prominent fields.

Common Backgrounds

Tresta is a long-established country, so many backgrounds make sense for a character that originates from there. Working backgrounds like Artisan, Barkeep, and Laborer would all make sense. More clerical backgrounds like Bookkeeper, Teacher, and Tax Collector would also be common in Tresta, where minor political positions are quite common.

Magical backgrounds make less sense in Tresta than they do in Thrasis, as most magical study in the country is closely observed and regulated by the Republic.

Unique Background

Trestan Bureaucrat

You were one of the many clerks employed to keep the dense bureaucracy of Tresta moving. Whether your job was document review, telling citizens which papers to sign and where, or notarizing massive 50-page legal contracts, it was boring, but steady work. You may have left because you grew tired of the drudgery, or you may have been forced to leave– either by your own mistakes or by the political machinations of one of your coworkers.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Dexterity or Wisdom, and the other is a free ability boost. You gain the Society skill, and the Trestan Lore skill. You gain the Glean Contents skill feat.

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