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Turicai Petty Kingdoms

Kingdoms in Armistice

City-states that were once united by a wise queen, until she perished and the nation fractured into smaller states controlled by the queen’s sons and daughters

Imports: Firearms, machines, luxury goods

Exports: Metal goods, textiles, food, ore, lumber

The Four Kingdoms

  • WIP
  • WIP
  • WIP
  • WIP

Governance and Society


Common Backgrounds


Unique Background

Emerald Mask Agent [Uncommon]

You were a member of the Emerald Mask, a group of spies created by the former Queen of Turicai. Despite the Queen’s death, agents of the Mask still act in each of the petty kingdoms to try and end the hostilities and reform the nation. As an agent, you’re expected to gather information and influence events where possible.

Your adventuring might be related to your background with the Mask, or you might have left the organization for some reason. If you left, odds are good that the Mask still watches your movements to ensure you don’t betray the organization.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Intelligence or Charisma, and the other is a free ability boost. You gain either the Society skill or the Diplomacy skill.You also gain the Turicai Lore skill. If you chose Society, you gain the Streetwise skill feat. If you chose Diplomacy, you gain the Hobnobber skill feat.

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